
Tuesday 11 December 2018


If you're stressed? If you are worried? If you can't see the way forward? If you're hopeless? If you're about to give up? If you think your life is a mess? If you want to cry? If you want to scream? If you want quit?

Then.. I want you to do one thing and that is to fantasize. Fantasize about the life that you have always wished for. Think about being the best footballer that you always wanted to be or  the undergraduate degree that you wanted to attain in your favourite subject. It can be anything, as long as it has something to do with the goals of your life.

Now pay attention, whatever you can imagine can be turned into a reality. You must now think about the steps that you WILL take that will bring you closer to those dreams.

START SMALL, THINK BIG,  ACT NOW. Make this your Mantra. Your start to this journey of attaining these goals is always going to be small, you must know this. Also, You need to always set big goals for yourself and remember, the bigger your goal is, the more the set backs you are going to face.
Now we come to the most important part of the mantra, which is that you have to Act Now. Not a year from now, not a month from now, not a day from now and certainly not an hour from now. I want you to start now. This very moment. How you will start? You will start Fantasizing NOW.

Friday 2 November 2018

What to do when you can't sleep at all?

Sleeping can sometimes be very painful for a lot of people. Specially if you are a person who is very anxious. Someone who is always thinking. Someone who finds it hard to bring their mind to rest. Sleeping can be tough when you are having sleeping disorder, anxiety or depression. Another Situation where sleeping is tough is when you are jet lagged. Jet lag is a condition where a person feels tiredness or confusion after making a long journey by plane to a place where the timezone is different from the place he left for the journey. Insomnia is defined by inability to fall asleep. It is one of the fastest growing disorders in the world. If you are someone who has been affected due to the reasons mentioned above, then you are at the right place. We will help you fight all of these issues but you have to make one promise to yourself that you will try all the steps mentioned in this blog post.

Lets start: What to do when you can't sleep at all?

To start off, you have to make a restful sleeping environment. You have to make sure where ever you are going to sleep, that place is comfortable, clean and is a place where you and your body would feel better. I am going to put some great tips down below

  • Make sure that the place is insect free. Use Anti-Insect room refresher to keep yourself protected. These Insects also create a lot of disruption while you are trying to sleep.
  • Put a good smelling room refresher inside your room. You can also try naturally scented soy or beeswax candles. Use a Carpet Refresher too.
  • Eliminate all kinds of odor inside the room. Make your room a Non-smoking area. Don't come inside your room while wearing dirty shoes or slippers. Put away any dirty clothes away from your room
  • Keep pet habits clean. If you share a room with a pet then make sure you dispose off their litter boxes on regular basis. 
  • Dim your lights when it is time for your sleep. 
  • You pillow should be very comfortable too.

Secondly, I would suggest you to exercise daily in order to sleep better. There have been numerous benefits proven by science that suggest that a good night sleep is directly proportional to exercise. The more you exercise, the better your sleep would get. I am going to mention some benefits of exercising on sleep.

  • Exercise increases sleep amounts. Exercising can increase the duration of the sleep that you get at night. 
  • It reduces stress and decreases anxiety. A regular exercise routine help you reduce stress. stress is a common cause of sleep disorder. Including trouble falling asleep and being restless during the sleep. Exercise is a great remedy for anxiety too. 10 minutes of exercise can trigger an anti-anxiety responses in the body.
  • Helps with insomnia disorder. Scientific Evidence suggests that exercise can be very effective natural therapy for Insomnia. 
Next up, I would suggest you to relax before you go to bed at night. There can be many ways that you can relax but today I am going to tell you ways that will not only help you relax but would also cut down the anxious thoughts that you get every now and then before you go to bed. These thoughts can be uncontrollable for many of us and it is a source of huge distress for a lot of people. So you need to relax, enjoy your time and create excitement in yourself for the great sleep that is waiting for you.
  • Do something that you love doing in your leisure time. It can be anything from writing diary to playing video games, from cooking to playing with your pets. It can be anything that you enjoy doing.
  • Listen to your favorite music for half an hour. What music does to your mind is that it soothes it. It relaxes your mind like no other thing can. You start enjoying your time and also feel refreshed.
  • Take a warm bath. A warm bath at night can be the best thing for you to relax yourself and your body.
Fourthly, you need to start progressive muscle relaxation. Now what is progressive muscle relaxation?. It is a century-old technique which is extremely useful to fight insomnia. It was first developed in 1915 by Edmund Jacobson and published in 1920.

How to do progressive muscle relaxation?

On your own, a session of progressive muscle relaxation may take 10 to 15 minutes. During progressvie muscle relaxation, you will focus on each muscle group in your body, first tensing selected muscles for a few seconds and then slowly relaxing them over a course of 20 to 30 seconds. This usually will be done on 10 parts of your body and in the exact order as mentioned here.
Face, Shoulder, Arms, Chest, Abdomen, Back, Hips, Buttocks, legs and feet.
After you have systematically tightened and relaxed all the muscle groups in your body, You should feel relaxed and Calm.

Benefits of Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
  • A better sense of overall well being
  • Lower blood pressure
  • less anxiety
  • less muscle tension
  • lower level of fatigue
Lastly, Another important thing that needs to be done is keeping regular sleep hours. Going to bed and getting up roughly at the same time would programme your body to sleep better. Choose a time when you are likely to feel tired and sleepy.

If you follow these steps that I have mentioned above, I don't see a reason why most of the people would not be able to sleep well after following the steps. But if in case, you are still not able to improve your sleep experience then I think it is best for you to consult a professional doctor who can further help you to improve your sleep. 

Saturday 27 October 2018

Mind Power and its usage.

You all must have heard about Mind Power and how it is used to change your life conditions. Today, I am going to give you some details about mind power and how you can use it to change your life for the good.

Mind Power is one of the most strongest powers that one can attain. It is the thoughts that pass by your head that creates the difference in your thinking process. You need to make sure of two things. Firstly, You want your mind to have positive thoughts and secondly, you need to train your mind to avoid the negative thoughts. You are a product of your thoughts. Try to tell your mind to only to focus on the positives of anything and everything. For example, If you fail an exam repeatedly try to think that the universe wants to teach you to accept defeat and to learn the art of improving yourself. A positive thinker would think like this whereas a negative thinker would start to blame themselves and others for their failure and would give up on his studies. This is what Mind Power is all about. Using your brain to mould your thoughts in a way that you see the brighter side of life in everything.

Once someone learns this art then believe me or not, he can achieve anything. Mind Power can change your life forever. It can teach you to never to give up which itself is a huge lesson to learn.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

It is time that we should all stop judging each other.

Don't you all think that we all judge each other or people around us way to often? If yes then I think it is time for all of us to stop doing it. How judging others hurts us is really amusing. When we judge other people, our mind gets away from the flaws that we ourself have in us. We all have flaws, weaknesses, limitations or whatever you want to call it but the fact of the matter is that nobody is perfect. What makes great people great is how they take themselves ahead of others with these flaws in them. The only way to do that is to focus on your own limitations and rectify them. Once you figure that out, there is no looking back!

Friday 5 October 2018

Somedays just take it easy...

Let's just switch our focus for a bit.. Let's just breathe.. Let's just take things easy..
Everyone talks a lot about hard work, consistency, giving our best, pushing our limits but nobody talks about taking a break! Yes, you heard it right in your head, I am talking about a break. After all the thinking and doing and fixing ourselves we need to pamper our mind, body and soul. How do we exactly do that? But what about all the work load I have? I don't have time for a break?
People usually come up with these kinds of worries when they hear about a break. But let me tell you today, that when you take a break, you perform better. Let's take Sleep as an example here. Sleep is a break that is made compulsory for human body by the nature to recharge itself for another day. Exactly this way we need to take break from our work life to perform better in future. Breaks can be long and breaks can be as short as a having a cup of tea alone thinking about life. We should all take out some time from our busy schedules to give ourselves a break from everything that is going around us. This is my message for all the readers of my blog today. To promote this message, I would like to inform you all that I am taking a break from blogging for at least a couple of days. So you should all expect a new blog post after 2 days. Wish me a good break!.

Sunday 30 September 2018

A Real Story OF IMRAN KHAN, How Life is giving us constant signals to change our life.

Today I am going to tell you something that is going to change your life. Whatever good or bad is happening in your life, God is trying to give you signals to act accordingly. These signals are very direct but you just have to analyse a little bit to see them.
You must be wondering what a weird concept I am trying to give you all today but let me tell you that this is the reality. People that act according to these signals are people that change this world not for themselves only but also for the people around them.
Let me give you a very good example of a very famous personality that acted according to these signals and he is now the Prime Minister of a country. I am talking about the great 'Imran Khan'. Imran Khan is a former Cricketer who led Pakistan to the famous 1992 cricket world cup victory. He was the captain of that team and his leadership skills played the pivotal role in Pakistan winning that World Cup. He retired from Cricket just after winning the world cup.
 While he was playing Cricket, his mother was diagnosed with 'Cancer'. He took his mom to London for the treatment. Khan says that it was one of the most toughest times of his life. Seeing his mother suffer was really painful for Khan. She eventually lost her battle to Cancer. It was at this point when Khan realized that there is a signal by God in all that is happening in his life. He used to question himself, if a star like him, who has a lot of money, who was able to take his mother to some of the best hospitals in the world, suffered so much then what would an ordinary man may go through when someone is his family is a victim to this disease. It was at this point that Khan thought that he would build the biggest Cancer hospital of Pakistan that treats its patients for free.
Imran Khan called on a meeting with the top 20 doctors of Lahore. Lahore is a city of Pakistan. 19 out of the 20 doctors told Imran Khan that it was impossible to make such a hospital in the country. Only 1 doctor said that it was possible to make the hospital but it would not be possible to bear its running cost. But Khan didn't give up. He went on to pursue the target that he had set for himself. He did it because he knew that life wanted this from him and God will help him if he goes after this goal of his.

What happened afterwards was astonishing. The entire nation of Pakistan stood behind Imran and there were donation drives across the country that had never been done before on this scale. As I write this blog. Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital and Research Centre is the largest Cancer hospital in Pakistan and it is home to the largest radiation oncology centre. The hospital is name after Imran's mother "Shaukat Khanum Bibi". It treats more than 70% of its patients for free, no other Cancer hospital in the world does that. Second SKMCH opened in Peshawer, Pakistan in 2016. Third and Fourth SKMCH will be opening this year and the next year in Karachi and Quetta Respectively. Imran Khan also established a university in a rural are of Pakistan. An area where he won his first National Assembly Seat in 2002. It place is called 'Mianwali'. The university is also free for the poor students and it provides a degree of the prestigious Bradford University. Imran Khan was the Vice-Chancellor of Bradford Univesity and he used his powerful position for the betterment of his own people. Both these ventures led Khan to start his own political party in 1996. After 22 years of struggle. In July 2018, Imran Khan became the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan. He is now working to change his country, to uplift millions of Pakistanis living under the poverty line, His previous track record shows that his a man of his words and there is no reason why he can't change his country. His ideology is 'Naya Pakistan' which means 'New Pakistan'. He wants to change everything in his Naya Pakistan.
The Story of Imran Khan tells us that we should act according to the signals that life gives us. No matter what people tell us, we should only analyse those signals and work on them. Had Imran listened to those 19 doctors that said that it was impossible for him to make a Cancer hospital, there would never have been a great hospital like SKMCH established in the country and millions of people that are have been treated in that hospital would have gone untreated. HELP FROM GOD COMES WHEN YOU ARE LEAST EXPECTING IT.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

3 ways that actually WORK to increase concentration

Do you want to increase your concentration level by rectifying some small problems in life so that you can improve your productivity? 
Well my friend, you are at the right place at the right time then. Today, I am going to explain you three ways that actually WORK to increase your concentration span.

1. Practicing MEDITATION

The good thing about meditation is that you only get better with time. Meditation helps to increase your focus, concentration and help you to prioritize things in life. You should include meditation in your daily life schedule. It will only makes things better with you. It refreshes your brain which helps it to Concentrate. It also has a lot of physical benefits but we won't discuss them now.

2. Not putting things on the 'PENDING MODE'

Procrastination is one the biggest issues faced by the younger generation. When you procrastinate, you put things on pending and it only creates a burden on your shoulders. It burdens you to a point where you break down. So from today, you stop that to concentrate on things that are presently coming your way in life. You need to anticipate new things in life rather than getting hung up with the older issues.

3. Have a controlled balanced diet 

If you want to master the art of Concentration then start having a controlled balanced diet. When you eat good, you body works good. Your brain feels fresh and ready to go about things in a positive manner. A good balanced diet keeps you healthy and I must tell you that having a good health is one of the biggest blessings of God. 

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Money vs Respect

Money or Respect. There are two type of take on this question that usually people have. Today, we are going to discuss these two and then tell you the 'REAL ONE'
Money is the single most chased thing on earth right now. We all run after money, don't we?
But for some of us care about respect too.

The best amoung us are the ones that want and try to achieve both of them. The best of both worlds is what we all should pursue here.
We need money to live and we need respect to live with integrity and honour. It is easier to earn money but it is difficult to earn respect. Maybe that is why we see a lot of rich people around us but we hardly see people that have respect. Someone who has attained both of them is a rare existence. Here we need to remember that all the big people that have brought some kind of change weren't always rich but they had a lot of respect. Such examples include Nelson Mandela, Aristotle etc. If you ask me I would say, Money and Respect>Respect>Money.
So if you want to do something big then you should chase both of them.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Live Life King Size.

When I say 'Live Life King Size' most of you would think that I am telling you to live your life like a king. But no, I want you to feel like a king. The characteristics of king are that he is powerful, he is someone who doesn't come under the influence of other people. He has his own set of rules. He does justice with other people. He is empowered. He is strong.
Live life king size. Live your life under your own freedom. Never let someone degrade you. Tell you that you are not good enough. Don't hang out with people that make you feel worthless. Always be with people that empower you. Respect you the way you are. Motivate you to become better.
These things that I am telling you right now. If someone applies them into his life, surely he or she can change his life in a blink of an eye.
Always remind yourself, that your motto in life is to LIVE LIFE, KING SIZE.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Why you are unable to motivate yourself even after doing everything you can?

The Internet is filled with motivation stuff, inspirational quotes and aspiring people. Yet almost all of us are unable to keep the motivation going. We are unable to stay determined. Failure means an end to a dream to most of us. Today, I am going to help you to analyse why this happens to us and how we can help ourselves in this situation.


I'll directly come to the reason behind this. The first reason that comes to my mind is that it happens because we see all these stuff way too often. In the earlier days, when there was no internet, people used to change themselves for their whole lives by only reading a single quote. This was because words had lasting effects on us. We were not bombarded with motivational stuff. Human nature demands balance of things. We can't handle anything that is in excess.
The second reason behind this is that motivation comes from within. You can always watch an inspiring video on Youtube to boost your mood but it can never motivate you for a longer time.


Solution to the first problem is that don't get involved into these motivational posts a lot. Watching them every once in a while is fine but making it a habit is the last thing you want to do to yourself to keep yourself motivated 
Solution to the second problem lies in your own hands. If you really want to motivate yourself, you'll have to do it yourself. Self talk is one way to do it. Talk to yourself about how you can pursue your goals or targets, how you should approach your life. Since you're deciding it yourself, you won't need an external influence to tell you that.
By simply applying these two easy to do techniques, I am sure you can achieve your target.

Sunday 2 September 2018

What is LAW OF ATTRACTION and how it can work for you.

I'm sure most of my audience must have heard about the "LAW OF ATTRACTION", but usually we don't pay a lot of heat to it. You might have tried applying it in your life but failed. Today, I am going to explain what is law of attraction and how you can apply it in your life.

Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts brings positive or negative change into our life. In other words, think positive and your life would be filled with positivity. Think negative and your life would become negative. We all come through people in our life who are super positive in their lives. Even if they are doing nothing, their presence makes us feel good, makes us feel positive. These are the kind of people you need to surround yourself with before applying law of attraction in your life. In contrast, we all also come across people that are so negative that they instil their negativity in our lives. These are the kind of people you need to avoid as much as you can before applying law of attraction in your life.

How you can apply it in your life is a matter of choice. First you need to sit down and think if you really want a change in your life? Are you willing to be constant in your try. If yes, then jump into it the way I tell you to. All you have got to do is to ignore or avoid all the negative thinks that comes into your mind and replace it with a positive one. Lets say that you failed your exams, now there are two ways to handle this situation. First one is to get depressed and fail more. Second option is to think that maybe you failed because the universe wants you to be more hardworking and hence you start working hard and give that exam again. See the difference in both these approaches? Now this is how the law of attraction works. You just have to be happy, positive and look for the struggle that lies ahead of you. While you are at it, just remember that you need to do this for a long time and be constant in your approach and I guarantee you that you will see your life change.

Friday 31 August 2018

Breaks are important!

Breaks are important. As weird as this may sound, it is the actual reality. Aren't you sometimes surprisingly happy about doing something that you didn't do for a while? It is because you took a gap in doing that. When we do something very often then our mind gets trained to do it again and again which kills the fun or the happiness we get from it.
It is also very similar with us humans too. Meeting that long lost friend is so much more fun than hanging out with the same old buddy everyday. Catching up with an old colleague is more exciting then talking to your current lot of colleagues. When we keep distance for a while from people that we love, we starting craving for them. That one family member who lives abroad get so much more attention then the rest of the family and that is because of the break that they have in between. Missing someone is a genuine feeling that is often too underrated. When you miss someone, you forget all the imperfections that the person holds. You only remember the good memories, you only think of the positive side. Breaks or gaps makes you positive and you cant ask more from them.

Friday 24 August 2018

3 ways to stay FOCUSED.

Many of us find it very difficult to focus on things that really matter. We keep on giving attention to things that don't really deserve it. So how can you stop doing that and Start being more Focused in life. Here are our top 3 ways to do that:

1.Appreciate whats good in your life.

When you appreciate things that are really good in your life, your mind stays away from the negative and it only helps you to stay highly FOCUSED.

2. Start making timetable

Start making daily timetables. If you are a mobile phone Geek then download apps that help you set targets for the day. If you are the 'OLD SCHOOL' type then make a diary in which you write all the pending things in your life. Doing this makes you more organised, helps you lessen your burden and this eventually results in you becoming more FOCUSED.

3. Stay Hydrated all day long

Drink Lots and lots and lots of WATER. Staying Hydrated helps you focus on tasks at hand and besides it has numerous physical and emotional benefits.

Thursday 23 August 2018

How to find your purpose?

Do you feel any sense of purpose?

You sure do. But you don't really know what it is. Today, we will help you find that purpose. I am going to give you 3 valuable tips today that will really get you very near to your purpose. While you assess these tips, you should really keep in mind that every individual has different purpose in life and not everyone will find their purpose in their youth. You can discover it in the latter part of your life. Regardless of the age, one should always pursue his reason of existence.

1. Read 

When you read, you come across different aspects of life and you never know you might find your purpose in the process. Reading helps you grow, it helps you to increase your knowledge about things that really matter. It helps you survive the most toughest parts of your life so READING HELPS.

2. Message from the universe 

If you really want to know your purpose in life, you MUST focus on that one message that the universe gives you time and time again. We all get that message but few are able to connect to it and believe me if you are able to connect to it there is no way you can't find your purpose. See where your life always takes you to and tells you that you love doing that one thing more than all other things in life. Go after it.

3. The process of finding your purpose will always give you Happiness that will lead to happiness of others.

When you are going through the process of unveiling your hidden purpose you will always encounter happiness in every step of it. If you are running after a passion and you think you were made only to do that, remember you should always find happiness in going after it or else its NOT what you were meant to do. Lastly, when you are doing what you love, you should always find a way to make others find help or happiness from it and if you think there is no possible way to do it then BELIEVE ME my friend, THIS ISN'T IT.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

One of the MOST IMPORTANT POSTS of my life. 'EXAMS' As they are.

Only by looking at the title of this post many of you would be thinking that writing on this topic is not the most interesting thing to do but the core reason behind this blog is to change perspectives of people on things that cause disturbances in our life.

Albert Einstein said 'Everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend rest of its life thinking its stupid'
We judge people based on a single letter written on their result sheets but we fail to understand  that there is much more to an individual than just a result of his 2 hours long efforts on a particular subject.

'Exams' in my opinion is the most hated reality of life. It is a phenomenon that creates divide at the very initial stage of our lives. But here I have a question for all of you. Is it the exams that creates the real divide or the grades?

In its earliest forms, education was a Socratic practice of self-knowledge; an isolated act of enshrining religious traditions; or, most commonly, an informal transfer of skill on the homestead, with parents teaching children how to plant, harvest, raise livestock, or practice some craft passed through generations.
Education was pure and there was no sense of competition for any kind of marks.

But now things have changed drastically. Everyone one is running after good grades to prove his/her brilliance. Nobody talks about inventions and creativity and individuality. Nobody understands that there is a sportsman who's physical fitness is more important than his physics marks. There is a musician who's music notes are more important than his chemistry notes.
The biggest problem to this issue is that we don't have any alternative to this grading system. But what we as a society can do is to stop emphasizing and judging people on grades and rather should start appreciating people on their creativity and skills. We should encourage the younger generation to be more mentally strong and we should help them pursue their dreams because dreams gives HOPE and like I always say, as long as there is hope there is EVERYTHING LEFT.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Believing in yourself

Why am I not succeeding in life? Why are things only tough for me? Why am I like this? What's wrong with me? Maybe God didn't bless me enough?

We often utter these words while we're frustrated with whats happening in our lives and we speak them because we are always in disbelief. Not being able to believe in yourself should the biggest concern of life right now because with no or very less believe in yourself there is nothing worthwhile that you can achieve. The most POWERFUL remedy to all these thoughts is to just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

It is this believe that is going to take you out of all your misery. It is this believe that is going to strengthen you to fight it out till the very end. It is this believe that will make you taste greatness that you have never seen before. Look at the example of the GREAT MUHAMMAD ALI. He was great because he always said and Believed that he was. He told everyone that he is the greatest and the world had to surrender to him and accept that he is the very best. This is what only believing in yourself can get you.

To end this blog post, I would like to take help from a great observation that I have made over the years of my life and that is that I HAVE NEVER SEEN a unsuccessful person who BELIEVED in himself. 

When the going gets tough, the tough gets GOING!

There are few People that face immense amount of difficulties in life, today I have a small message for such readers of my blog. I want to say to you that I have observed this for the most part of my life that such people are really special creatures of God. I want to let you know that you really are SPECIAL and your type of people always get that once chance by nature that turns your life upside down. You are LUCKY because you will get that one chance for sure but there is no guarantee for ordinary people that are living a comfortable life out there. So know your worth and BELIEVE.

Wednesday 15 August 2018


One sad reality of this modern era is that people today are becoming more and more sad and vulnerable. Diseases like Depression and Anxiety are at their all time high. With the world not being able to fight these things, the least we can do is to help each other find ways to improve our life so here are our 5 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE IN LESS THAN A DAY.
1. Accept the realities of your life

Our focus is on quick fixes and the quickest one we were able to find out was that one should accept his life realities and should know that he is not the only one suffering in the world.

2. Look to improve your conditions

We suggest that you get yourself a cup of coffee or tea and sit down and analyse your life. See what is going wrong and ask what you can do to improve this current state of your life. Simple as that!

3. Live a purposeful life.
One should always seek to live a purposeful life. You should try and discover your passions that you can pursue in life. When you do what you love, you automatically start feeling happy and relaxed. Find your purpose and go after it.

4. Exercise

When you don't know what to do at all, GO EXERCISE. Because it distracts us from hassles of life and after it we are in a fresh state of mind hence we can look at things different. Besides, it has numerous physical and mental benefits that can be very helpful.

5. Relax

And lastly when you have done all the above mentioned things, You Relax and let the nature to its part. There is only so much that we as humans can do so stop thinking now and enjoy with what little of big you have.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Health Is Wealth So Respect It!

We often underrate the blessing that we have in good health. It is one of the biggest blessings of the world because you have no idea for how long you're going to have it, how much good or worse it can get, you may have to give up on your materialistic things to be able to maintain it and that you may suffer a lot while you don't have good health.

There is only one way to appreciate this blessing of God and that is to take care of it. TAKE CARE OF YOUR GOOD HEALTH. Have a balanced diet, Exercise daily, avoid junk food and sodas, utilize this blessing in the best way possible and thank your God for it. People usually explain the first three but today I am going to explain you the last two.
Let's start off with 'How you can utilize your good health in the best way possible?'. My take on this question is that we can utilize our good health by making the most of our life. How you are going to make the best out of your life is by doing what you love doing. If you love acting, go make a portfolio today. If you love singing, go and record your first song this week. If you love playing sports, go and join the local club that is near to your house. Go and follow your dreams. Our dreams are what makes us. Thank God for giving us dreams that we can pursue and he wants us to follow them because he has given those dreams to us. Don't come to me saying 'Saif, I don't know what my dreams are' cause you know them but you have only learned to live without them and that is the worst that you can do to yourself. I have a lot dreams and passions and writing is one of them. I made this blog back in November 2016, and just after creating it, I got busy with things going on in my life and I then almost forgot about it. It was only last week that this thought came to me that why am I limiting myself from something that I always enjoy doing and it was this thought that brought me back to this blog and motivated me to revive this blog. If I can come back to something that I started off almost two years ago then so can you.
Another way that you can appreciate your good health is by thanking your God for it. 'Gratitude makes sense to our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow'. This is my favorite quote on gratitude because it explains all the major changes that it brings to our life. Take out a minute right now and thank your lord for this good healthy life that you have and even if you are having troubles with your health, you are ALWAYS better than somebody.

Lastly, I would like to address the people that are facing major health issues in life, Remember that there is always some hidden reasons behind every suffering. Maybe God is making you suffer because he wants you to get closer to him. Maybe he is making you suffer because he wants you to emerge as a more stronger human being after defeating that disease of yours. So Never lose HOPE because as long as there is Hope, there is everything left.

Monday 13 August 2018

How Life Changes in a Blink of an Eye!

We all keep on blaming the universe for the bad things happening in life while complimenting ourselves for all the good things. If this isn't hypocrisy then I don't know what is.

I have been through incredible ups and downs in life, and all of this has taught me one very important thing and that is that things can and will change without you even realizing it. Everything in life is constant except for CHANGE. This bad phase of life is not the final result of your life but it is only one bad chapter of a whole book. Remember, After every difficulty comes ease and you need to believe in it. Believing that something good is about to happen, is the strongest way to face any difficult time in life. Believing gives you HOPE and as long as there is hope, there is EVERYTHING left.

We are Back, after barely getting started!

HELLO EVERYONE! Back in November, I made this blog with the intention of sharing my life experiences with you all but I got into some personal issues and sadly I wasn't able to keep up with the blog. But Now we're back!

I am going to be posting about different aspects of life. We will together discover life and its hidden treasures. I am really excited and hope that you people will enjoy this journey along with me.