
Sunday 2 September 2018

What is LAW OF ATTRACTION and how it can work for you.

I'm sure most of my audience must have heard about the "LAW OF ATTRACTION", but usually we don't pay a lot of heat to it. You might have tried applying it in your life but failed. Today, I am going to explain what is law of attraction and how you can apply it in your life.

Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts brings positive or negative change into our life. In other words, think positive and your life would be filled with positivity. Think negative and your life would become negative. We all come through people in our life who are super positive in their lives. Even if they are doing nothing, their presence makes us feel good, makes us feel positive. These are the kind of people you need to surround yourself with before applying law of attraction in your life. In contrast, we all also come across people that are so negative that they instil their negativity in our lives. These are the kind of people you need to avoid as much as you can before applying law of attraction in your life.

How you can apply it in your life is a matter of choice. First you need to sit down and think if you really want a change in your life? Are you willing to be constant in your try. If yes, then jump into it the way I tell you to. All you have got to do is to ignore or avoid all the negative thinks that comes into your mind and replace it with a positive one. Lets say that you failed your exams, now there are two ways to handle this situation. First one is to get depressed and fail more. Second option is to think that maybe you failed because the universe wants you to be more hardworking and hence you start working hard and give that exam again. See the difference in both these approaches? Now this is how the law of attraction works. You just have to be happy, positive and look for the struggle that lies ahead of you. While you are at it, just remember that you need to do this for a long time and be constant in your approach and I guarantee you that you will see your life change.

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