
Friday 4 January 2019

2019 can be your YEAR.

We are in the first week of 2019 and I am sure that for most of you it is going exactly the same way as your days were passing in 2018. No real change. But in this post, I am going to show you how 2019 can be your YEAR.

We all want change in our lives but very few have the strenght, the will or the intentions of having to change our lives. But the good part, after reading this blog post you all can fine tune yourselves to make 2019 your year.

1. Change your intentions.

To start off, you all need to change your intentions. Promise yourself that you will spend a lot of your time learning something. The fact of the matter is that we intend to change our lives but forget the real part that our lives will only change when we learn something and then implement it in our lives.

2. Increase your productivity by working in a quality schedule.

To be honest, I have struggled with this for the most part of my life. But I have learned over the last few years that when my productivity increases, my life becomes good. One thing that businesses see when hiring an employee is the overall productivity that employee will bring to that organisation.
Moreover, we all have heard that is Japan, the employee get a break while they are working. This break is only focused towards letting the employees get a power nap. What this brief sleep doew to the employees is that it increases their productivity. They have measured that the time invested towards the sleep of employees gives a far more productivity of their employees and saves a lot of time in the long run.

3. Sleep well.

As I mentioned in the previous point that good sleep increases productivity. It not only does that but also reduces the stress level and helps you focus more on your task. Who doesn't like partying all night? But if you want to bring a change in your life then you do have to avoid it from now onwards.

4. Set realistic goals.

My last point, you need to set realistic goals for yourself. This is very important because it keeps you on your toes and you avoid getting hopeless. Also, when you set realistic goals, you achieve them. When you achieve your goals, you get the energy that you need to get to keep on going.

It is not easy to change but it is possible if you stick with these four points for a long period of time. It has worked for me, it will work for.
We all have been taught wrong lessons in life by social media. On social media, you will see everyone flourishing and enjoying their life. But deep down, most of them are empty. They put all that stuff online to get the satisfaction they need but they never get it. I hope you can learn from these words. I don't want to sound harsh, but to achieve something big in life you need to avoid your bad habits.

1 comment:

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